The Grand Mufti of Egypt: Be mindfu...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

The Grand Mufti of Egypt: Be mindful of God with regards to the best soldiers on earth

The Grand Mufti of Egypt: Be mindful of God with regards to the best soldiers on earth

Dar al-Ifta Al-Misriyya condemned the videos circulated on social media oulets depicting the inhumane treatment of the kidnapped Egyptian soldiers in Sinai.

The Grand mufti, Dr. Shawqi Allam, emphasized that the leaked footage of the abducted soldiers hurt the feelings of every Egyptian citizen. He stressed that Islam does not condone treating even war prisoner in this manners, let alone the children of one’s nation who were abducted while they were performing their greatest duty of guarding their country.

The Grand mufti of Egypt explained that this criminal act threatens Egypt’s dignity and said that the concerned authorities must deal with this issue with an iron hand. Dr. Shawqi demanded the soldiers’ immediate and unconditional release, and reminded the captors to be mindful of God the Almighty with regards to the best soldiers on earth as Prophet Mohammed described the Egyptian soldiers.
At the end of his statement, Dr. Shawqi called for the necessity of establishing an integrated system to solve the problems associated with Sinai and stressed that this is the optimal manner to eliminate any destructive ideas or plans to create chaos and disorder in this dear part of our land.

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