Strictness in issues over which scholars hold different opinions is prohibited and leads to reprehensible disunity
Dar al-Iftaa stressed that destroying public or private properties is a prohibited act and a heinous crime which mounts to corruption on earth. A fatwa issued by Dar al-Ifta` described spending money in other than its proper expenditures is a disliked matter because Allah the Almighty says, “And cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation” [Qur`an 7: 56]
The fatwa further added that collision with the community, adopting strictness in issues over which scholars hold different opinions and refusing to co-exist on the principle of commonalities and the rejection of differences is not from Islam and therefore prohibited.
The fatwa explained that collision with the community is basically an intellectual deviation that causes a state of dissension, alienation, and a rejection of co-existence. Such a state ultimately leads to disobeying the Islamic teachings that call for love, mercy, cooperation in piety, and administering the earth which is man’s main task.
The fatwa maintained the impermissibility of spending money on or gaining money from unlawful means. Therefore, spending on or gaining money for destroying private or public properties is corruption on earth for which the giver, receiver, and executer deserve the maximum punishment in this life and in the Hereafter.