The chaos of issuing fatwas ceases when non-specialists stop issuing legal opinions
Dar al-Iftaa stressed the importance of understanding the reality of the times as one of the principal components of fatwa. It said that many of the deviant and extremist fatwas are a result of the lack of understanding current issues and their requirements and consequences.
In a statement released today morning, Dar al-Iftaa defined a fatwa as a clarification of a legal ruling through evidences for the inquirer. A fatwa changes according to change in four factors: time, place, people and conditions. Any change in these four factors necessitates a change in the ruling while keeping in mind the objectives of Islamic law.
Dar al-Iftaa emphasized that issuing legal verdicts necessitates a profound knowledge of the primary sources of legislation based on the principles of language, rhetoric, grammar, morphology as well as a thorough perception of the reality of the times. It warned against issuing legal verdicts and fabricating the words of Allah without knowledge. It said that chaos and inconsistency of legal opinions result when non-specialists issue legal verdicts.