Good manners are immutable principles and spreading rumors, scandals and name calling are prohibited
Dar al-Iftaa stressed that God the Almighty has commanded us to use good speech in all situations. It furthermore added that good manners are an immutable principle in Islam and there are no exceptions that allow a Muslim to behave improperly and spread immorality by word or deed.
Dar al-Iftaa emphasized that mass transmitted legal texts strictly forbid obscenity; they exhort good behavior and guarding one’s tongue and body from immorality and obscenity.
It further stressed that spreading rumors and scandals, and name calling are prohibited under any circumstances.
Dar al-Iftaa emphasized that adjudication is the only legal means for lifting injustice. Moreover, to resolve disputes, it is necessary to seek truth and this can only be achieved through impartial judicial investigation. Under no circumstances does Islamic law sanction immorality and indecency it governs all actions through a strong and disciplined framework.