Dar al- Iftaa communicates with the French Le Monde to publish an explanatory article discussing Charlie Hebdo’s insulting cartoons
Dr. Ibrahim Negm, Senior Advisor to Egypt's Grand Mufti, announced from New York that he contacted the editorial staff of the French newspaper, Le Monde, to publish an opinion article elucidating the Islamic perception of the Prophets as messengers of peace and goodness to all mankind. All Prophets have responded to insults through kindness and established moral foundations that contributed to building the human civilization.
Dr. Negm pointed out the necessity of not responding to the provocative calls raised by some people on the basis of Charlie Hebdo's announcement to publish new cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). To avoid the reactions that spread hatred, Dr. Negm confirmed the importance of blocking the means before the fanatics, from both sides.
From his part, Dr. Negm made it clear that the article to be published will explain the limits of freedom of expression , which has been confirmed in Islam, along with calling for respecting the religious privacy of people belonging to different faiths.
The article will include a call to open intellectual dialogue among the Islamic and western worlds, focusing on the issues of mutual concern, such as uniting to fight terrorism that knows no religion or country.
The article condemns all forms of violence and terrorism, and calls for blocking any means before the terrorists that may back their criminal acts. It also warns against the confusion that may be rooted in the minds of some people, and lead to confusing Islam as a religion and civilization with some outrageous actions of terrorism and barbarism.