Egypt’s Grand Mufti participates in G20 Interfaith Forum virtual meeting
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Egypt’s Mufti, Dr. Shawki Allam, participated on Tuesday afternoon in the G20 Interfaith Forum, virtually held under the generous auspices of the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID).
In his word, Dr. Allam said that the entire world has literally become a small village. Therefore, anything that happens, no matter how fleeting or localized, breaks barriers and impacts even the remotest part of the world. Perhaps the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus pandemic is the greatest testament to this contemporary phenomenon since we all have come in direct contact with its consequences and observed its effects.
“Other intellectual, social and health pandemics represent shared challenges that require us all to open channels of direct dialogue with each other in an effort to find solutions to problems facing the world,” Dr. Allam pointed out in his word.
The Grand Mufti confirmed that Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta has sought to move in swift paces to promote unity, consolidate fraternity and eliminate hatred in the field of fatwa issuance. Towards this end, we have established the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide to engage in dialogue and cooperate in righteousness and piety as well as to bring muftis together on the principles of love and peace and in rejection of hatred both domestically and internationally.
He added that Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta and the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide were keen on translating these values in their events, fatwas, statements, initiatives and various international conferences.
The virtual G20 Interfaith Forum in its seventh version is held from 13-17 October 2020 with the participation of 500 religious leaders and policy-making experts.