Using asthma inhalers during the fasting hours of Ramadan

What is the ruling concerning the use of inhalers during the fasting hours of Ramadan? Does it vitiate the fast?


Smelling Fragrances while fasting

Does smelling strong fragrances invalidate the fast?


Medication during fasting hours

My daughter, 16 years old, has recently been diagnosed with ADHD, depression, and anxiety. She takes two medications. Should she still fast in Ramadan?


Breaking the fast due to pregnancy and nursing

I am nursing a new born baby during Ramadan and cannot not fast. Do I have to make up for those days?


Vaccination while fasting

Does taking liver hepatitis vaccine while fasting in Ramadan break the fast?


Is it permissible to fast after the 15th of Sha'ban?

Is it permissible to fast after the 15th of Sha'ban? 



Is removal of body hair through laser permissible during fasting?

Is removal of body hair through laser permissible during fasting?


Brownish discharge during the fasting hours

This month my period is late. I am 26 years old and this is the first time I have experienced this. Today I found a brownish secretion (very little) during the fasting hours. Does this mean it’s my period and it invalidates my fast?


Fasting for those working in strenuous jobs

What is the ruling for fasting the month of Ramadan when a Muslim works in a very strenuous job? In our country, people work in farming under extreme heat conditions, and since farming is seasonal, farmers cannot postpone their work until after Ramadan because it is their only means of income. What is the ruling for the days on which they may refrain from fasting due to the hardship involved?


What if i forgot and ate while fasting non- Ramadan days (making up missed fasting days)?

What if i forgot and ate while fasting non- Ramadan days (making up missed fasting days)?


Traveling from one country to another when fasting

What is the ruling for a person who began his fast in one country and then traveled to another where the people fasted one day before or after his home country?


What are the things that are prohibited during fasting?

What are the things that are prohibited during fasting?


What is the ruling on wearing hijab in Ramadan only?

What is the ruling on wearing hijab in Ramadan only?


Refraining from fasting due to a heart condition

I am an old woman with a heart condition that requires medical treatment. Can I refrain from fasting the month of Ramadan?


Sex while fasting

What is the ruling if a man engages in sexual intercourse with his wife during the fasting hours of an obligatory make up fast for either of them?


Paying money on behalf of a deceased with unfulfilled fast days

My mother died without making up her missed fast-days of Ramadan. Can I pay money on her behalf?


Fasting on behalf of a deceased person

My mother passed away and has some unfulfilled fast days. Can I fast on her behalf?


Is it permissible for my wife to use pills to postpone her menstrual period to be able to fast the whole month of Ramadan?

Is it permissible for my wife to use pills to postpone her menstrual period to be able to fast the whole month of Ramadan?


Is it permissible to study and learn about astronomy? Can we rely on astronomical calculations to ascertain the beginning of Ramadan?

Is it permissible to study and learn about astronomy? Can we rely on astronomical calculations to ascertain the beginning of Ramadan?


What is the ruling on making up missed fast-days by fasting one or two days every week?

What is the ruling on making up missed fast-days by fasting one or two days every week?


Is fasting accepted from someone who does not pray?

Is fasting accepted from someone who does not pray?


Combining the intention of fasting on six days of Shawwal with the intention of making up the missed fast-days of Ramadan

Combining the intention of fasting on six days of Shawwal with the intention of making up the missed fast-days of Ramadan


Are there degrees of fasting and what are they?

Are there degrees of fasting and what are they?


According to which time should a person traveling by plane break his fast?

According to which time should a person traveling by plane break his fast?


The ruling for professional soccer players who refrain from fasting in Ramadan

What is the ruling for some professional soccer players who refrain from fasting in Ramadan?


Using non-nutritive antibiotic eye drops and contact lenses solution while fasting

What is the ruling on using non-nutritive antibiotic eye drops and contact lenses solution (antibacterial and cleansing) while fasting?


Using moisturizing creams and ointments while fasting

What is the ruling on using moisturizing creams, ointments and hair nourishing oils which are absorbed by the skin and scalp?


Receiving injections, glucose and mannitol while fasting

What is the ruling on receiving injections (painkillers, antibiotics, etc.) and on using glucose and mannitol while fasting?


What is the ruling on using moisturizing lip balms while fasting?

What is the ruling on using moisturizing lip balms while fasting?


Attaining the reward of Laylat Al-Qadr

How can a person attain [the reward] of Laylat Al-Qadr?


Erroneous assumptions about the time of dawn and sunset

What is the ruling on erroneous assumptions about the time of dawn and sunset with regards to fasting?


Brushing teeth during the fasting hours of Ramadan

Is it permissible for fasters to brush their teeth during the fasting hours of Ramadan?


Feeding a fasting person

Feeding a fasting person: does he have to be poor?


A wife performing i'tikaf at home without her husband's approval

A man was reluctant to allow his wife to perform the Sunnah of i’tikaf at home because she has an eight-month-old baby. She was keen on performing it, feeling that if she cannot perform it at a mosque in her hometown, then she can easily manage it in her own house. Please comment on this.


Is a husband’s fast affected if he kisses his wife during the fasting hours? And does having a wet dream during fasting invalidate fasting?

Is a husband’s fast affected if he kisses his wife during the fasting hours? And does having a wet dream during fasting invalidate fasting?


Are the free meals offered in Ramadan intended only to feed the poor?

Are the free meals offered in Ramadan intended only to feed the poor?


What is the significance of fasting on 9th and 10th of Muharram?

What is the significance of fasting on 9th and 10th of Muharram?


Is fasting on Fridays, other than in Ramadan, considered incorrect?

Is fasting on Fridays, other than in Ramadan, considered incorrect?


Vowing to fast every Monday: what should I do when I get ill?

Vowing to fast every Monday: what should I do when I get ill?


The beginning of the fasting hours

When should the fast begin?


Eating the pre-dawn meal before sleeping and not right before the dawn prayer


Is it permissible for me to eat the pre-dawn meal before I sleep and not right before dawn prayer?



Fasting based on the sighting of the new moon in a country other than the country in which one lives

Is it permissible to fast based on the sighting of the new moon in a country other than the country in which one lives?


Making up the missed fast days during the six days of Shawwal

Is it permissible for women to make up their missed fast-days of Ramadan simultaneously with the six days of Shawwal and earn the reward for the six days of Shawwal?


Refraining from fasting in Ramadan due to an illness and child care

Is it allowed to refrain from fasting in Ramadan due to an illness and childcare?


Fasting and productivity

Fasting is an arduous process which leaves me unproductive. What can I do?


Refraining from fasting in Ramadan for travel purposes

My husband and I want to travel to London on a work related training course for a period of five days during the blessed month of Ramadan. Is it permissible for us to refrain from fasting during this period or only during the day(s) we travel by plane?


A bloody discharge and fasting

Is it permissible for a menopausal woman who has a bloody discharge to fast?


Fasting for women

Are all Muslim women required to fast?


Alzheimer's and fasting

Is the fasting of Alzheimer’s patients invalidated by eating and drinking out of forgetfulness?


Sitting for exams during a Ramadan fast day

I live in the United States. I have an upcoming 5 hour exam during the month of Ramadan. Is it permissible for me to break the fast on the day of the exam and make it up after Eid or should I fast on that day?


Travelling with my family in Ramadan

My family and I will be driving to a new state this Ramadan. The distance is 1500 km (14 hours) drive. We will divide it over 3 days. Should we fast or not?


Climbing a mountain in Ramadan and fear of immune system crash

I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. When I was in Switzerland during Ramadan I wanted to climb a mountain. The distance between it and the place of residence was not more than 83 km but we climbed to the top and as the sun was rising I decided I wouldn't fast because I was afraid I would be too weak to continue my internship work and my immune system would crash. What should I do about the missed fast day?


Missing fast days of Ramadan due to childbirth and nursing

I have 23 days left from last Ramadan due to giving birth and breastfeeding. I'm still breastfeeding a bit but the baby (11 months) also eats solid food. Do I have to fast these days before the coming Ramadan?


I did not fast the past two Ramadans, what should I do?

I did not fast the past two Ramadans, what should I do?


My wife could not fast in Ramadan due to work and child care issues

My wife was pregnant during Ramadan last year, and has since given birth. She was breastfeeding but had to stop for health reasons. She has to make up fasting for the entire month of Ramadan last year, but is finding it very difficult to fast (sometimes she is simply unable to fast) due to her employment (which is needed for the family) and whilst looking after our very young children. Should she make up the fasts at a later date, or pay the Kaffarah?


Missing the fasting of four Ramadans due to my pregnancies and nursing, what should I do?

I am a mother of two kids, & I have missed the fasting of 4 Ramadans due to my pregnancies & nursing. Now, I am pregnant with my third child & will miss 2 more, since I tried fasting before while pregnant but couldn't. Can I pay money to the poor to make up for what I have missed? And if the answer is no, then what happens if I die before having the chance to make it up?


Finding a sperm after waking up without having a wet dream

I was fasting but when I woke up, I found a sperm but I did not have a 'wet dream', is my fast still valid?


Intentionally breaking my fast due to hunger and thirst

I deliberately didn't finish a day in Ramadan due to being hungry & thirsty. How can I make it up?


Having making up a missed fast day invalidated by the menstrual period

I was making up a missed day of Ramadan and by the middle of the day I had my menstrual period. Should I fast the day I missed in Ramadan only or the day on which the period arrived while fasting as well?


Confused about the timing of the dawn prayer

I got confused about the time for dawn prayer as there was a time difference between my phone clock and the calendar. So I disregarded my phone clock and I kept drinking till I heard the call to prayer. Is this valid?


swallowing saliva from the lips, is my fasting valid?

swallowing saliva from the lips, is my fasting valid?


Hugging my wife in Ramadan daylight, is my fasting ruined?

If sperms come out of me but not through sex but rather through hugging my wife, would that ruin my fasting?


Sexual arousal due to talking to one's fiancé, does it invalidate fasting?

Does vaginal discharge due to sexual arousal that results from talking to one's fiancé over the phone invalidate fasting?


Fasting Arafat before finishing the missed fasting days in Ramadan

Is it permissible for me to fast days like Ashura or Arafat without finishing the missed fasting days in Ramadan due to period?


Drinking water after the call to dawn prayer

I heard something like the call to dawn prayer but I was not sure so I drank water but later found that it was really the call to prayer. Is my fasting valid?


Hazardous effects on health due to fasting, what should I do?

I am a British Muslim women, 44 years old and have been fasting Ramadan since 1991. In 1992 I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erthymatosis. Lupus is an auto immune disease which is a hereditary illness triggered primarily by stress both emotional stress or physical strain on the body. It has been suggested to me that the fasting could be putting a strain on my body but I take my obligation seriously and have always fasted. Could you guide me on what I should do for next year?


Is inserting suppository invalidate my fast?

Is inserting suppository invalidate my fast?


Licking blood on lips during fasting

My lips sometimes bleed and I occasionally lick the blood which comes out with my tongue because it is a small amount. Should I repeat my fast?


Having the period for five days after stopping for three days, should I fast during this period?

my wife had her period for 6 days then stopped for 3 days then it happened again for 5 days , the question is, is it period or not? And what about fasting and praying?


Does smoking cigarettes invalidate fasting?

Does smoking cigarettes invalidate fasting?


Missing fast days due to chronic illness

I am paralyzed chest down. I don't have bowel control but have trained my bowel to get empty alternatively at a fixed time at night. But other times things get messy and I lose control. If I broke my fast for taking medications, how can I make up the missed fast days?


Paying kaffara for missing make up fast in the past years

I didn’t make up the missed fast days of Ramadan in past years due to constant migraines and stomach pains. Should I pay the kaffara in cash value to feed poor people?


Losing focus while working

I am studying for my MA degree in Canada; I am unable to fully focus on finishing the draft of my final research due to fasting and can't work more than 4 hours per day. I am unable to work at night because I have other obligations including my three-year-old daughter. Please let me know if breaking my fast for a few days to finish by deadline would be permissible? Thank you.



Breaking my fast due to pre-period physical pain yet no signs for the actual period

I am experiencing back pain, stomach cramps and dizziness as normal symptoms of my period which was due but no signs of it yet. I broke my fast for three days in a row due to the pain but yet no bleeding. What should I do?


Having few drops due to inserting a device in my uterus to delay pregnancy,is my fast valid

I am married and I had to insert a device in my uterus after labour 7 months ago to delay the second baby. This device makes me have a few drops (3-4) of dark blood daily in Ramadan. Is my fast valid?


Masturbating during the fasting hours of Ramadan

Does masturbation during the fasting hours of Ramadan invalidate my fast?


Is taking purificatory bath after intercourse a condition for fasting or praying?

When I have intercourse with my husband before dawn in Ramadan, is it necessary to take purificatory bath before noon prayer?


Taking hypertension medication while fasting in Ramadan

I suffer from high blood pressure and must take medications in the form of pills for my condition every twelve hours. Would it break my fast if I swallow a pill without water or anything else and continue fasting?


Swallowing mucus during coughing, is my fast valid?

I cough and most of the time I have mucus. If I swallow it, is my fast still valid?


Puking during my fast, is my fast valid?

Puking during my fast, is my fast valid?


Compensating for a missed fast day for dead parents

A couple had sexual intercourse during the fasting hours of Ramadan and did not make up that day until they passed away. Now their son wants to compensate for his parents. How can he do that?


Nasal spray for allergies and fasting

Does nasal spray used for instance for grass allergy break the fast?


My husband avoids touching me during fasting hours in Ramadan which makes me feel bad. Is he right?

My husband avoids touching me during fasting hours in Ramadan which makes me feel bad. Is he right?


Period stops and starts and fasting

My period started on the first day of Ramadan, but when I woke up the next morning I found nothing, so I took a shower and made my intention to fast for the rest of the day. Then after Dhuhr prayer, I found a trace or two of what I think was menstrual blood, so I immediately took another shower and continued my fast. Now, I am worried about whether my fast was valid.


Water entering the rectum of a fasting person

Is the fast invalidated if water enters the rectum during cleaning?


Does insulin injection break fasting?

Does insulin injection break fasting?


Can we put eye drops during fasting?

Can we put eye drops during fasting?


Is it permissible for me to fast during my period?

I am having my period yet I find myself having the ability to fast. Is it permissible for me to fast during my period?


What is the ruling for breaking the fast before sunset for one who assumes that the sun has set?

What is the ruling for breaking the fast before sunset for one who assumes that the sun has set?


What is the ruling for eating and drinking on the presumption that dawn has not come?

What is the ruling for eating and drinking on the presumption that dawn has not come?


Rinsing the nose and mouth while fasting

What is the ruling for rinsing the nose and mouth while fasting?


What is the ruling for cooling one's body with water when fasting?

What is the ruling for cooling one's body with water when fasting?What is the ruling for cooling one's body with water when fasting?


What is the ruling for swallowing phlegm?

What is the ruling for swallowing phlegm?


Does vomiting invalidate fasting?

Does vomiting invalidate fasting?


What is the ruling for using nose drops and ear drops when fasting?

What is the ruling for using nose drops and ear drops when fasting?


Intravenous and intramuscular injections and fasting

Do intravenous and intramuscular injections taken for medicinal or nutritional reasons invalidate fasting?


What is the ruling for using enemas when fasting?

What is the ruling for using enemas when fasting?


Cupping and blood transfusions while fasting

What is the ruling on cupping and blood transfusions while fasting?


Traveling from one country to another when fasting

What is the ruling for a person who began his fast in one country and then traveled to another where the people fasted one day before or after his home country?


The ruling for smoking while fasting

What is the ruling for smoking while fasting?


Washing semen and continuing fasting without taking a bath, is my fast valid?

While fasting I noticed semen coming out and I cleaned the area and then prayed and continued my fast. Should I have performed full purification (ghusl) and is my fast still valid if I didn't?


Refraining from fasting in Ramadan due to illness and caring for children

I am an Egyptian woman living in Cairo. I will be in Spain for the next summer and my stay there will coincide with ten days from the month of Ramadan. My question is:

1- According to Cairo local time, sunset there will be at around 10:00. Should I fast the whole day?

2- I have been suffering from manic depressive disorder for the last twenty years. My doctor prescribed antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and sedatives to help me sleep and I take these pills daily. Fasting affects my mood and psychological state to the extent that I cannot concentrate when I get excited. This is difficult for me as I have two children who need care and help in their studies. Fasting prevents me from taking care of my children.

So, should I fast? If not, what is the expiation I should pay?



Hugging and fasting

I know that sex during the daylight hours of Ramadan ruins the fast. If I climax as the result of hugging my wife or something of that sort and not through sex, would that ruin my fast?


Mawa`id al-Rahman [public banquets for Iftar]

What is the ruling of Maw`id al-Rahman?


What is the ruling for someone started the fast in one country and traveled to another?

What is the ruling for someone who began their fast in one country, then traveled to another or vice versa, and the country they moved to started fasting before their home country by one day or after it by one day?


What is prohibited during fasting

What is the things which are prohibited during fasting


Fasting and the time of dawn and sunset

What is the time of dawn and sunset with regards to fasting?


The benefit of feeding a fasting person

What is the benefit of feeding a fasting person and does this person have to be poor?


The kaffara for engaging in sexual intercourse during the fasting hours

What is the ruling if a man engages in sexual intercourse with his wife during the fasting hours of a fast which was an obligatory make up fast for either of them?


Wearing perfume during the fasting hours of Ramadan

What is the ruling for wearing perfume during the fasting hours of Ramadan?


Wearing hijab in Ramadan only

What is the ruling of Wearing hijab in Ramadan only ?


Using toothpaste during fasting

Is it permissible for a fasting person to brush his teeth during the fasting hours of Ramadan?


Things which vitiate fasting

I have a few questions about fasting. These include:
1- Using non-nutritive antibiotic eye drops.
2- Using contact lenses solution (antibacterial and cleansing). Upon wearing contact lenses a drop of the solution usually enters the eyes and travels to the nasal passage and throat.
3- Using skin nourishing moisturizing creams, ointments and hair nourishing oils which are absorbed by the skin and scalp.
4- Using injections (pain killers, antibiotics, etc ...).
5- Using saline solutions, glucose and mannitol (a diuretic used by patients suffering from ocular hypertension).
6- Using moisturizing lip balms.


Things which invalidate the fast

What is the things which invalidate the fast?


The Virtue of completing the Qur`an multiple times during Ramadan

What are the virtues of completing the Qur`an more than once during Ramadan?


The ruling on using nose drops while fasting

I suffer from severe allergic rhinitis and have been using nose drops for the past six years to alleviate the severity of my condition. This becomes a problem in Ramadan because I know that nose drops are among the things which invalidate fasting.
However, the problem lies in that if I do not use it, I get severe colds and headaches. Last year while I was studying in a private university, I was forced to use nose drops. I tried to not let the drops reach my throat, but I could feel their taste. I would like to know the ruling of Islamic law on the above and on the status of my fast.


The ruling on refraining from fasting for one who is ill

I am 79 years old. I suffer from heart problems and have been undergoing treatment for my condition for over five years. I take heart medication based on my cardiologist's orders; I take daily tablets in the mornings, afternoons and at night. Should I fast or refrain from fasting this holy month and make fidya (compensation)? I would like to know the amount of fidya since I am incapable of fasting.


The Night of Power

How can one attain [the reward] of Laylat al-Qadr?


The make up fast of a pregnant woman

I am in my second month of pregnancy and my gynecologist advised me to refrain from fasting Ramadan. To my knowledge, a pregnant woman has the dispensation to refrain from fasting the month of Ramadan. Allah the Almighty has made it possible for me to make expiation of feeding 30 poor people for the 30 days I will refrain from fasting.
My question is: Is it obligatory for me to make up these fast days after giving birth? Please note that I intend to breastfeed my child if possible, and it is not recommended to fast during the nursing period. I am due to give birth next May by the will of Allah and the upcoming Ramadan will coincide with the weaning period.
Please give me a definite answer on whether it suffices to feed 30 needy persons or if it is necessary to make up the fast days. If necessary, how and when do I to make them up?


The kaffara for a deceased who has unfulfilled missed fast days

My mother passed away without making up her missed fast days of Ramadan and this fact is known to all her children. Is it permissible to pay kaffara [expiation] on her behalf from the money she left?

Is surat al-Fatiha or any other sura recited for each deceased separately or is it possible to direct the reward of its recitation to all of them together?


Ramadan tents

What is the opinion of religion on the so-called Ramadan tents [al-Khiyam al- Ramadania?


Learning about astronomy and using it to calculate the beginning of Ramadan

Is it permissible to study and learn about astronomy? Can you rely on astronomical calculations to ascertain the beginning of Ramadan?


Sighting the crescents of Ramadan and Shawwal

What is the ruling for sighting the crescents for the months of Ramadan and Shawwal in Mozambique?


Sighting the crescents of Ramadan

We reviewed request no. 65 for the year 2004 from a citizen of Mozambique and which includes a question on the ruling for sighting the crescents for the months of Ramadan and Shawwal in Mozambique.


Taking insulin injections while fasting

Please clarify the ruling on taking insulin injections during the fasting hours. The doctor explained that I must take the insulin injection 30 minutes before meals. Is it permissible to take it during the final half hour of the fast?


Taking pills to delay menstruation

The inquirer says that his wife uses contraceptive pills. Each month she takes 21 pills, stops and has her menses. She wants to continue taking these pills during the month of Ramadan so that she can interrupt menstruation and not have to break her fast since she will not menstruate as long as she takes them. Is this legally permissible? Please provide me with evidence.


The expiation for engaging in intercourse during the fasting hours of Ramadan

A woman who has been married for twenty years vitiated her fast nine times during Ramadan—five times right after the wedding and four times in the following year. This was because she engaged in sexual intercourse with her husband during the fasting hours of Ramadan. She was ignorant of the prohibition of this act and did not know the gravity of the sin. When she later inquired into the matter, some people advised her to fast two months consecutively, while others told her that only her husband is blameworthy. When some people advised her to feed sixty poor persons [in expiation], her husband refused to either pay or fast. She would like to know what she and her husband must do.


The fast of a pregnant woman who experiences bleeding

Is the fast of a pregnant woman who experiences bleeding during the month of Ramadan valid?


The fast of a woman who does not wear the hijab

I don't wear the hijab. Will Allah accept my prayers and fast?


Acceptance of the fast of someone who did not make up missed fast days

Is the fast of a person who did not made up missed fast days of the previous Ramadan accepted?


Biting nails during fasting

What is the ruling for nail biting ?


Breaking the fast due to constant traveling

Is it permissible for a person who constantly travels due to the nature of his work to refrain from fasting?


Breaking the fast on a plane

What is the ruling for breaking the fast on a plane? We traveled by plane from Egypt to Canada. A scholar advised us to fast even though the flight is 11 hours. We boarded the plane at 1:00 p.m and broke our fast according to the Egyptian local time. However, the problem is that we broke our fast while the sun was still high in the sky and did not set except towards the end of the journey i.e. after 10 hours.


Combining the intention of the missed days of Ramadan and the six days of Shawwal

Is it permissible to fast the missed fast-days of Ramadan and the voluntary six days of Shawwal with a single intention?


Degrees of fasting

Are there degrees to fasting and what are they?


Does dialysis invalidate fasting?

The inquirer says, "I suffer from renal failure which necessitates undergoing dialysis three times a week. Blood is pumped through a device that filters waste from the blood and replaces lost minerals and vitamins. Please note that the procedure is performed via arteries and veins. My question is whether dialysis invalidates fasting or must only be performed after I break my fast."


Eating after the cannon is fired

What is the ruling concerning eating after the cannon has been fired?



Engaging in sexual intercourse during the fasting hours of Ramadan

What is the legal ruling for engaging in intercourse during the fasting hours of Ramadan?


Expiation for breaking the fast due to pregnancy

My wife is pregnant and the doctor advised her not to fast. Which is permissible for her, makingkaffara [expiation] or fidyah [paying compensation]? In either case, what is its sum and when is it due?


Fasting six days of the month of Shawwal

What is the extent of the legality for fasting six days of Shawwal (the six 'white' days) and what is their reward?
Is it permissible to combine the intention of fasting them with the intention of making up the missed fast days of Ramadan?
Is it a condition to fast them consecutively?


Making the intention to fast Ramadan

Is it necessary to make the intention for fasting for each day of Ramadan or does it suffice to make a single intention for the entire month?


Making up the obligatory fast for someone who mistakenly believed that fasting was not mandatory

A friend of mine told me that his parents married in Ramadan. His father believed wrongly that fasting was not obligatory for him and his wife as long since they were newlyweds. Accordingly, they did not fast the entire Ramadan in which they got married. The mother stated she made up the days owed, but the father died before doing so. The question is: can the son make up the missed days on behalf of his father? Are there any other requirements?


Manner of making up missed fast days due to menstruation

The inquirer has never made up the days she refrained from fasting due to menstruation and only started to make up them up three years ago. She is now 33 years old. What is she to do? Should she make up her missed fast days for the past period?


Professional soccer players refraining from fasting in Ramadan

We heard that some soccer players refrain from fasting in Ramadan because of the physical exertion they experience during games or training sessions that take place during the month. What is the ruling on this?


fasting the missed fast-days of Ramadan and the voluntary six days of Shawwal with a single intention

Is it permissible to fast the missed fast-days of Ramadan and the voluntary six days of Shawwal with a single intention?


Does an enema invalidate the fast of those who have a reason to use them

I would like to know whether or not an enema breaks the fast since I have read that it does. I'm 83 and fast a lot. I had a partial prostatectomy and hernia repair surgery and cannot bear down during a bowel movement. I fast to get closer to Allah.


Refraining from praying and fasting

Is fasting accepted from one who does not pray?


Is it allowed to fast the makeup days of Ramadan and combine it with the days of Shawwal?

Is it permissible for women to make up their fasting days that she missed because of her menstrual period during the six days of Shawwal and have the reward for the six days of Shawwal?


Is it permissible to begin the fast with a country other than the one I am residing in?

Is it permissible to fast based on the sighting of the new moon in a country other than the country in which one currently is?


Making the intention to fast Ramadan

Is it necessary to make the intention for fasting for each day of Ramadan or does it suffice to make a single intention for the entire month?


Making up fasting Ramadan for a person mistakenly believed that fasting was not mandatory

A friend of mine told me that his parents married in Ramadan. His father believed wrongly that fasting was not obligatory for him and his wife as long since they were newlyweds. Accordingly, they did not fast the entire Ramadan in which they got married. The mother stated she made up the days owed, but the father died before doing so. The question is: can the son make up the missed days on behalf of his father? Are there any other requirements?


Making up the missed fast days of Ramadan separately

The petitioner says that her menstrual cycle started at the age of 14. Since then and for many years, she would refrain from fasting in Ramadan [during her period] for 7 days without making them up. 

What is the legal ruling for making up these missed fast days by fasting one or two days every week?


Making up the missed fast days of Ramadan separately

he petitioner says that her menstrual cycle started at the age of 14. Since then and for many years, she would refrain from fasting in Ramadan [during her period] for 7 days without making them up. 

What is the legal ruling for making up these missed fast days by fasting one


Taking insulin injections during the fasting hours of Ramadan

which includes the following:

I am a diabetic and must take an insulin injection approximately 30 minutes before meals.
What can I do during the blessed month of Ramadan? Would the insulin injections break my fast if I take them before the sunset prayers?