Can I have anal sex with my husband and what is the Islamic stance on that?
Alsalam Alikom;
Please advise about anal sex as I received lots of articles attributed to known Islamic religious scholars who permit it & claim it is halal. Also what would be the kafarah if I believed them & did it.
In Islamic law, this act is prohibited [haram]. You must repent, regret and determine not to do that again.
In Islam, the marital relationship between spouses is based on permissibility which is controlled by chastity and piety. Based on this, all forms of sexual pleasure are permissible provided there is mutual agreement between the spouses and there is nothing brings harm to either of them, except for anal sex and intercourse during menses and post natal bleeding.
You should generally know that in Islam, the marital relationship between spouses is based on permissibility which is controlled by chastity and piety. Based on this, all forms of sexual pleasure are permissible provided there is mutual agreement between the spouses and there is nothing brings harm to either of them, except for anal sex and intercourse during menses and post natal bleeding.