Is it permissible to go out wearing jewelry, accessories, nail polish and high heels?
Is it permissible to go out wearing jewelry, accessories, nail polish and high heels?
The legal attire required of a Muslim woman is:
• Any garment which does not cling to the body.
• It must not be transparent.
• It must conceal the entire body except the face and hands.
There is no harm in wearing colored clothes provided they are not vibrant, eye catching, or do not incite desire. If these conditions are fulfilled in any garment, it is then permissible for women to wear it and go out.
The above definition of the legal attire required of a Muslim woman, is encompassed by the words of God: "Wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests" and in God's words to the Prophet [pbuh] in the chapter of "Ahzab": " And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts."
In the Arabic language, Khimar refers to any garment that covers a woman's hair and chest. It is impermissible to restrict the linguistic meaning of khimar as intended in the Qur`anic verses to the known manner in which it is worn because the current manner of wearing the khimar is a cultural practice. Any garment that covers the hair and chest is considered a khimar even it does not resemble what the people agreed upon as khimar.
Based on the above and in reference to the question, it is obligatory upon a Muslim woman to cover her hair, chest and entire body except her face and hands with any garments of her choice. She is not obligated to wear a specific attire since rulings are contingent upon objects and not upon their designations.