What is the last date for a valid s...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

What is the last date for a valid sacrifice ?


What is the last date for a valid sacrifice ?


According to several of the Companions and Successors, the last date for sacrifice is the last day of the ‘days of tashriq’ [the last of the three days following ‘Eid] (i.e at sunset of the thirteenth of Dhu al-Hijja). This is the view held by Shafi‘is, an opinion of the Hanbalis, and the opinion chosen by Ibn Taymiya. Their evidence is the hadith narrated by Jubayr Ibn Mut‘am: ‘All of the days of Tashreeq are for slaughtering’ [Ibn Habban]; and ‘Ali ibn Abu Taleb narrates: ‘The days for immolation are [’Eid] al-Adha and the three following days.’ It is preferable to hasten with slaughtering before the sunset of the second day of Tashriq (i.e the twelfth of Dhu al-Hijja) to avoid differing with the majority of scholars.
Allah the Almighty knows best.

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