Who is supposed to pay Zakat? (Kindly highlight whether a house wife is supposed to pay zakat just in case the husband qualifies for it)
Who is supposed to pay Zakat? (Kindly highlight whether a house wife is supposed to pay zakat just in case the husband qualifies for it)
It is legally indicated that both the husband and the wife have their own independent financial capacity. Therefore, in Islamic law marriage does not entail merging between their separate financial capacities be it in forms of money, banknotes, properties or stocks. Equally it is impermissible for any of the spouses to control the financial affairs of the other.
Due to the fact that both parties have their own separate financial capacity, they are both independently obliged to pay zakat if they are eligible for it. Also it is permissible for the wife if she is eligible to pay zakat to spend her zakat money on her husband and family if they are impoverished and in need of financial support. Also if the wife is financially well off, it is permissible for her to allocate some of her money to spend it on her family and that would be out of her grace and not an obligation.