What is the ruling of placing mihra...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

What is the ruling of placing mihrabs in mosques, and are they prohibited innovations?


What is the ruling of placing mihrabs in mosques, and are they prohibited innovations?


The mosque of the Messenger of God did not have a mihrab during the time of the Messenger of God or during the time of the rightly guided caliphs after him. The first to place a mihrab was Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz. He ordered al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malak who was the governor of Madina to place one when they rebuilt the Prophet’s mosque after it was destroyed.

This destruction took place in the year 91 A.H., and other reports mention it taking place in the year 88 A.H. and the completion of the restructuring took place in the year 91 A.H.

The jurists have disagreed regarding placing mihrabs in mosques. The Shafi’s see that it is reprehensible and the majority of the jurists see that it is permissible and recommended. The writings of both the Hanafis and the Malikis make us deduce this opinion, however the Hanbalis verbatim stipulate this ruling. Ibn Muflih from the Hanbalis has quoted Ibn Tamim as saying, “It is recommended to build mosques, and it is recommended to place them in the mosques and in homes. Ibn Aqil has stated, ‘it is incumbent to place mihrabs in mosques so the ignorant one can know it is a mosque.’”

Based on the above we can see that it is recommended to place mihrabs in mosques as it is in congruence with what these scholars have said, and as it is to the benefit to the Muslims. God is most high and all knowledgeable.

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