Is wearing a gold wedding ring proh...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

Is wearing a gold wedding ring prohibited for men? If yes, kindly clarify with supporting verses and hadith.


Is wearing a gold wedding ring prohibited for men? If yes, kindly clarify with supporting verses and hadith.


It is necessary here to differentiate between the two following matters:

1- White gold
It is a kind of gold produced by alloying pure gold with other metals, though the greatest percentage is of gold. For example, white gold may be produced by mixing 1 part palladium to 6 parts 21 carat gold, producing 18 carat white gold. White gold takes the same ruling as yellow gold. This means that it is prohibited for men to wear it, obligatory to pay zakat on it if it is saved and prohibited to use utensils for food or drink made from it.

2- Platinum
It is a whitish-gray precious metal. The word Platinum is originally derived from the Spanish word (Plata) which means small silver. Platinum is stronger than iron and as flexible as gold. It is referred to as Pt in the periodic table and is known among people as white gold. Such a designation is similar to referring to oil as black gold. However, the designation does not give Platinum any of the rulings pertaining to gold. Thus, it is permissible for men to wear it, it is not zakatable and is permissible to use utensils made from it.

The ruling
It is permissible for you in Islamic law to wear this wedding ring if it is made of Platinum and the weight of the string of gold running through its middle is negligent. However, it is prohibited to wear it if it is made of white gold as described above or contains a significant amount of yellow gold.

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