I feel that motherhood and pregnanc...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

I feel that motherhood and pregnancy drove me away from God. How can I get back on track?


I feel that motherhood and pregnancy drove me away from God. How can I get back on track?


God the Almighty has assigned the tasks of pregnancy, child birth and nursing to a wife and rewarded her in abundance for them. A mother is considered the source of life since God the Almighty has made her the means for the existence of children. A mother is greatly rewarded for the great effort she exerts with her children and Islam considers a woman who dies during pregnancy or child birth a martyr.
Based on this, you should not burden yourself with more than what you can bear; try to observe the acts of worship in a way that does not impose hardship or harm and thank God the Almighty abundantly for giving you the great blessings of motherhood, nursing and raising children upon righteousness.

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