Online Library

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta



Combating Hate Speech  Special Issue

Combating Hate Speech Special Issue

Hate is never acceptable nor is it ever justified. Sadly, history is punctuated with examples of hate-driven occurrences that, in many instances, altered the trajectories of entire societies. Today, the expression and manifes...



Women's Rights in Islam Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta released a new issue of its bi-monthly English magazine Insight. This issue came in response to the debate on social media and the awakening events of women’s rights issues. Read...



Insight is a monthly electronic magazine issued by Egypt's Dar-alIfta that has up till now been dedicated to refuting extremist ideology and to correcting the erroneous religious fallacies promulgated by terrorist groups. Sta...


The Hijra and the Islamic Calendar

The Hijra and the Islamic Calendar

Since time immemorial, man has found it necessary to measure the passage of time. By simple observation of the stars, changes in the seasons, harvest cycles, and the periods of light and darkness that alternated continuously,...

Preserving the Environment; from an Islamic Perspective [Part II]

Preserving the Environment; from an Islamic Perspective [Part II]

Islam urges us to protect our environment through discovering its secrets and preserving its beauty. The movement of the universe is a natural and clear message that speaks out the greatness of the Creator but no one is able ...

Preserving the Environment; from an Islamic Perspective [ Part I ]

Preserving the Environment; from an Islamic Perspective [ Part I ]

All thanks are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. May the prayers and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the messenger of the true word to all mankind, the sent mercy, the truthful, the chosen, the seal of prophe...
